紐約 - 台北 長榮 豪華經濟艙 New York (JFK) to Taipei (TPE) - EVA Air Premium Economy Class 2019


紐約 - 台北 長榮航空 BR31 豪華經濟艙

2019 JFK to TPE Premium Economy Class Flight Experience

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.

大家好~今天要和你分享的,是我今年年初時從紐約來回台北的長榮豪華經濟艙 (Premium Economy Class)!

這個航班想必住紐約的大家都相當熟悉了,Boeing 777-300ER 執飛,晚上紐約起飛,早上抵達台北,直飛不囉唆



有鑑於網路上很多的資源都是分享這個航班商務艙的心得(長榮紐約台北的班機 沒有 頭等艙,商務艙是這一個航班的最高等級),所以我想這是一個好機會來跟你分享我搭豪華經濟艙的心得,也提供一個參考給有興趣的朋友

EVA Air, one of my favorite airline companies offering transpacific flights, is always the best non-stop flight for me when traveling back and forth between Taiwan and the States.

Here I wanted to share my experience about flying EVA Air Premium Economy Class from JFK to TPE early this year (2019). Overall, EVA Air’s Boeing 777-300ER provide one of the best experience compared to its competitors with great food and detail-orientated service. The departure time and the arrival time I think is also very nice that for me I can easily adjust the jet leg during the flight. Highly recommend this flight if you travel to Taiwan. Even your destination is other countries of Asia (Japan, Korea, China or southern Asia…), if there is no direct flight, EVA Air is really one of the best, if not the best, options for you to enjoy the service and the food during the long haul flight like this. Below are some details that I experienced during this flight. Hopefully, the information is helpful for you!

p.s. One thing I would like to mention is that Premium Economy Class is the second best offering in this flight. The top offering in this flight is business class (also known as Royal Laurel class). There is no first class between JFK and TPE offered from EVA Air.

My flight departure time is 00:20AM. It’s 10:30PM now and I still in the Uber on the way to the airport…

My flight departure time is 00:20AM. It’s 10:30PM now and I still in the Uber on the way to the airport…

BR31: New York (JFK) Jan 1, 00:20 AM — Taipei (TPE) Jan 2, 05:40 AM

歷經了千辛萬苦,總算是抵達了 JFK 並且 check in,順利通過安檢(可能因為是2018年的最後一天,大家準備去跨年?還好,安檢感覺並沒有像平常一樣排那麽多人)

當你通過安檢線後,出來的右邊就會是Gate 1-3,也就是今天我要搭的班機的登機口

如果你有Priority Pass Card (PP卡),PP卡在 terminal 1可以用的貴賓室 (KAL Lounge 和 Air France Lounge) 都是往這個方向走

The lounge that are available for Priority Pass card cardmembers is this way. Right after you pass the security check, turn right and you can see KAL lounge first on your right side and the Air France lounge is located on the end of the way.

The lounge that are available for Priority Pass card cardmembers is this way. Right after you pass the security check, turn right and you can see KAL lounge first on your right side and the Air France lounge is located on the end of the way.

沿著Gate 1-3 登機口的方向走,你會先看到 KAL Loung 出現在你的右手邊,然後走到底的話就會是 Air France 的貴賓室

不過很可惜的是,KAL Lounge 針對 PP卡的持卡人,只有14:00 - 20:30這個時段可以進入。所以如果你是搭乘長榮的BR31這個時段的航班,恐怕就不能進去惹

Be aware of the time that is available for the Priority Pass cardmember if you want to visit the lounge and take some rest before boarding the plane.

當你走到底後,你就會看到Air France的貴賓室。要特別注意的是,Air France Lounge 針對PP卡的使用時間是 08:00 - 13:00 和 23:00 - 00:30。所以如果你是搭乘BR31這個航班,Air France Lounge 應該會是你使用PP卡進貴賓室的唯一選擇

The Air France lounge is located on the end of the Gate 1-3. The available time for Priority Pass cardmember is 08:00 - 13:00 & 23:00 - 00:30. It seems like is the only option for PP card members if your flight boarding time is in the late night.

The Air France lounge is located on the end of the Gate 1-3. The available time for Priority Pass cardmember is 08:00 - 13:00 & 23:00 - 00:30. It seems like is the only option for PP card members if your flight boarding time is in the late night.


照片上看起來大家都坐在位置上,但其實有更多的人是沒有座位,站在走到旁邊等待登機的。所以如果你搭乘這個班機回台灣(尤其是在聖誕節或是新年 holiday season) 建議可以先到隔壁的貴賓室休息,等到接近登機時間時,再慢慢悠哉地前往登機口候機


p.s. 有人問我說豪華經濟艙能不能使用長榮的貴賓室?答案是不行的。只有商務艙可以使用長榮的貴賓室。另外補充說明一下,如果你是搭乘長榮商務艙的話,在 JFK,長榮航空使用的貴賓室是漢莎航空貴賓室 (Lufthansa Business Class Lounge)。出安檢後,左轉就可以看到惹。不過提醒你一下,長榮與這間貴賓室的簽約內容裡,並沒有包含淋浴間。所以,你若以長榮商務艙的身份進這間貴賓室,是不能使用他們的淋浴間的

In case you wonder, as the Premium Economy Class passengers, whether or not you have the access to the business class lounge. The answer is no. However, you still have the priority boarding benefit (zone 2 boarding order, right after the business class passengers).

Note, if you take the EVA Air Business Class, in JFK terminal 1, you have the access to the Lufthansa Business Lounge which is located on the left side after you pass the security check. However, the EVA’s contract does not include the shower room. So the shower room is not available to the EVA’s Business Class passengers.

等待了一陣子,總算開始登機,值得注意的是,如果你是搭乘豪華經濟艙的話,你的登機順序是 zone 2,會比一般經濟艙的乘客來得優先登機!


When you arrive at your seat, you can see that the blanket, pillow and a bottle of water are already ready for you, as well as the slipper and the headphone. Unlike the earphones for the Economy Class passengers, they provide headphones for the Premium Economy passengers, which I think the sound quality of it is not very impressive. I guess you probably want to use your own headphones instead.

With that being said, I guess the quality of headphone is not the main reason that people choose the Premium Economy Class. Instead, as you can see the pictures below, the biggest advantages of choosing this cabin are definitely the extra legroom space (38 inch long) and the wider seating space (19.5 inch wide) for your shoulder!

搭乘 Premium Economy Class 的最大好處,也是最多人選擇搭乘這個艙等的原因,我相信便是非常足夠的腳部空間(38 英吋),與充裕的座位寬度了吧!(19.5 英吋)




One more picture about the wider seating space. Honestly speaking, the extra space for your leg and shoulder is really the essential thing during this kind of the long-haul flight. You can really have a rest with stretching your leg and no more awkwardly elbow touching experience!


In terms of the food provided for the Premium Economy Class passenger, it’s a pity that looks like they provide similar food as in the Economy Class. But don't get me wrong, the food is great and delicious. I just feel like it could be better if they can provide the special food experience for the passenger in Premium Economy Class.

雖然豪華經濟艙的食物不讓人驚艷,但是搭乘豪華經濟艙的一個好處是,你可以拿到一般經濟艙沒有的過夜包。過夜包的內容物你可以看一下下面的圖片,裡面有 moisturizing cream, lip balm, socks, hair comb, earplugs, 和 sleep mask。因為是外站返回臺灣的航段,所以我拿到的是Sport b.限量聯名過夜包(乍看之下很像 Sephora 的袋子),關於過夜包,長榮臉書官網有一段很 fancy 的描述

“長榮航空為了帶給您更舒適的空中旅程,首度與法國精品集團 agnès b. 旗下品牌之一 Sport b.合作,推出限量聯名過夜包,內容搭配英國 Scaramouche+Fandango 保養品,讓您在乾燥的機艙環境中仍然水嫩嫩。” — 以上來自長榮官網臉書

One of the perks that you can have by taking the Premium Economy Class is getting the overnight amenity kit (Including moisturizing cream, lip balm, socks, hair comb, earplugs, and sleep mask) Because I was taking the long-haul flights inbound to Taiwan, the overnight kit I got is a black-white bag designed by Sport b. For more information, you can go and check EVA Air website.


Another great service that you can have by taking the Premium Economy Class is the detail-oriented service from the flight attendants. They seem really put a lot of focus on the Premium Economy Class passengers compared to the Economy ones. For examples, They come to the cabinet and ask passengers if they want some more tea or drinks very often. I think you can really enjoy this extra-attentive service from the flight attendants.


We are flying over the Arctic via the polar route, which is the common route for the flight from North America to Asia.

We are flying over the Arctic via the polar route, which is the common route for the flight from North America to Asia.


I chose the Chinese style breakfast.

I chose the Chinese style breakfast.

Finally, we are approaching our destination— Taipei!

Finally, we are approaching our destination— Taipei!


05:35AM 下飛機抵達國門。然後 05:52AM 拿到行李,06:55AM 搭上機場捷運~(為什麼會在機場花這麼久的時間呢?因為我忘記捷運售票機不接收信用卡哈哈,然後身上剛好又沒有台幣,所以在排隊花了一點時間將美金兌換成台幣)

07:35AM 捷運抵達台北車站! 07:52AM 就抵達了北車八號出口!

Below are just the pictures from the time when the plane arrived at the gate to the time when I arrived at the downtown of Taipei city. Hopefully this could be helpful for you if you are wondering how long does it take from airport to the downtown of Taipei.

I arrived at the gate at around 05:30AM and I got all my luggages at around 05:52AM. Because I didn’t have Taiwanese cash in my hands, I spent a while at the airport for changing money in order to buy the airport MRT ticket.

After I got on the airport subway at 06:55AM, I arrived at Taipei Main Station at 07:35AM and shortly I arrived at the M8 exit of the Taipei Main Station at 07:52AM




  • Priority boarding order (after the business class passengers, before the economy passenger)

  • Larger legroom (38 inch) & wider space for your shoulder (19.5 inch)

  • Service from extra-attentive flight attendants

  • Offer overnight amenity kit (Including moisturizing cream, lip balm, socks, hair comb, earplugs, and sleep mask)

  • Earn more miles than taking the economy class (In my case, it’s actual miles x 115%)

  • If you spend few more miles, you can upgrade to the Business Class!


  • No access to the Business Class Lounge (Not really a weakness, you got what you paid)

  • No better food provided compared to the Economy Class

  • YMMV, the Premium Economy Class may be much more expensive than the Economy Class. In my case, there is only $80 difference, so that’s a no brainer.


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